
Sandi Privat | Les di Rumahmu

Sandi Privat adalah lembaga bimbingan belajar ( bimbel ) khusus PRIVAT untuk
Kami siap menyediakan guru / tentor privat berkualitas yang datang ke rumah siswa

Kelebihan Sandi Privat
1.    Melakukan analisis kebutuhan (need assessment) siswa
Setiap siswa adalah pribadi yang unik, Sandi Privat berupaya memahami bagaimana karakter siswa, apa kebutuhannya, harapan orang tua siswa, dan apa kendala yang dihadapi khususnya dalam pembelajaran.

2.    Menyediakan tenaga pengajar (tentor / guru) yang profesional dan bersahabat
Tentor Sandi Privat adalah tentor pilihan dan sudah terseleksi, sebagian besar berlatar belakang pendidikan universitas di Kota Malang seperti: UM, UB, UIN, UMM, dsb.

Les Bahasa Indonesia

Want to learn Bahasa Indonesia but did not have much time?
You're working, traveling, or just visiting in Malang?
Sandi Privat is learning institution in the city of Malang, East Java, Indonesia. We provide teachers who are ready to come to your place.
Since 2011 we serve private tutoring services for elementary, junior high, and high school professionally. In addition, we also have students from the public who want to learn Bahasa Indonesia and English.
Sandi Privat have special program for expatriate who want to learn Bahasa Indonesia. Courses are designed for adult learners who wish to develop their ability to communicate in Indonesia for professional, social, or personal reason. The learning subject can be adjustable according to your needs, and schedule is flexible. Please discuss the matery that you want to learn at the first meeting with the teacher.
It would be fun to learn at your place. No need to leave the house, we'll come to you.

Please contact us at:
085.646.317.671 (Telepon/SMS/WA) or BBM: 51F4493F